
News & Announcements, Publications Press Presentations, Resources

VPS Whitepaper: Evaluating the Capabilities of Fixed Wireless Technology to Deliver Gigabit Performance in Rural Markets

February 12, 2021

Published February 2021 In the recent auction, RDOF funds were awarded to fixed wireless technologies at the Gig tier. But can fixed wireless technology deliver Gigabit performance in Rural America? Vantage Point CEO Larry Thompson authored a widely-renowned whitepaper examining that exact question. This whitepaper was submitted to the FCC as part of the NTCA’s…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: 911 Reliability Certification

September 29, 2020

911 Reliability Certification The Annual 911 Reliability Certification is due October 15, 2020. Beginning October 15, 2015, all “Covered 911 Service Providers” are required to certify annually that they have taken reasonable measures to provide reliable 911 service related to (1) 911 circuit diversity, (2) central office backup power, and (3) diverse network monitoring. The…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Lifeline Supported Services

August 11, 2020

Lifeline Supported Services Minimum Standards New standards take effect December 1,  2020. On July 31, 2020, the FCC released a Public Notice announcing the new Lifeline Minimum Standards that will take effect on December 1, 2020: Fixed Broadband: 25/3 Mbps with 1024 GB of usage per month Exception: If 25/3 Mbps is unavailable at the…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: TRS Fund Modifications

June 12, 2020

TRS Fund Modifications Contributions will be modified for 2020-2021 fund year. The FCC released a Report and Order in November 2019 to broaden the support mechanism for Internet Protocol Captioned Telephone Service (IP CTS) and reduce the current burden put on Interstate Telecommunications providers. The FCC launched IP CTS many years ago with an interim…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Performance Measures Module

May 5, 2020

Performance Measures Module The Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) has developed a Performance Measures Module (PMM), which will be the reporting system used for performance measures testing. The PMM will: Allow carriers to differentiate HUBB reported locations as actively served vs. not actively served. Allow USAC to select a random sampling of actively served locations…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: CARES Act Funding Assistance

April 7, 2020

CARES Act: COVID-19 Funding Assistance Measures The COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt daily life and business operations, creating additional urgent demand for reliable broadband networks while causing financial hardships for many. On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) was signed into law in an effort to help meet…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Data Collection Extension

Data Collection Extension On April 2, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced a 30-day extension for Supply Chain Data Collection in DA 20-370, making the new due date May 22, 2020. All Universal Service Fund (USF) recipients that were eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) as of December 31, 2019 must respond to the mandatory FCC…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

COVID-19: Recommendations for Broadband & Telecom Providers

March 27, 2020

COVID-19: Recommendations for Broadband & Telecom Providers These are unusual times, as COVID-19 has disrupted daily life and business operations across the country. In doing so, the current pandemic has highlighted the need for reliable, robust, fully supported broadband networks. Vantage Point offers the following recommendations and best practices for maintaining and supporting your networks…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: Part 90 Transition to CBRS Operations

March 20, 2020

Part 90 Transition to CBRS Operations On March 19, 2020, the FCC released its Order, DA 20-291, in which the FCC has announced the extension of six-months for existing Part 90 license holders. April 17, 2020 was the original transition deadline from Part 90 operations to Part 96, Citizens Broadband Radio Services (CBRS), operations for…

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Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: RDOF Preliminary Eligible Locations Released

March 18, 2020

Limited Challenge Process and Filing Deadline Set Preliminary Eligible Locations Released On March 17, 2020, the Wireless Competition Bureau (WCB) released a Public Notice that announced the preliminary list of census blocks and a map of areas that have been deemed initially eligible for the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) Phase I auction (Auction 904)….

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