Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: STIR/SHAKEN – Originating Robocall Mitigation Database Announced

April 22, 2021

STIR/SHAKEN – Originating Robocall Mitigation Database Announced

Action required for all voice service providers.


The FCC released a Public Notice on April 20, 2021, announcing the opening of the Robocall Mitigation Database and providing filing instructions along with confirmation of the Robocall Mitigation Program filing deadline of June 30, 2021.  Note that action is required for all voice service providers.

Download the full memo for additional detail on Deadlines, Requirements, and Compliance Options.

VPS Memo - STIR/SHAKEN 4.22.21


Additional Information

For more information on this issue or if you would like VPS guidance, please contact these members of the Vantage Point Solutions team:

Adam Fenski, PE at (605) 995-1772

Courtney Spears at (830) 895-7221