Consulting, Memos, Resources

Memo: FCC Transitioning EBB Program to Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

November 30, 2021

FCC Transitioning EBB Program to Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

The Infrastructure and Jobs Act (Infrastructure Act), signed by President Biden on November 15, 2021, established the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP’s funding of $14.2 Billion will modify and extend the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB) effective December 31, 2021. This funding will help struggling families to access and use the Internet for telework, telemedicine and for continued virtual learning. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Public Notice seeking comment on the implementation of the program on November 18, 2021.

There are several key changes and enhancements in the ACP. Most importantly, EBB households enrolled on 12/31/2021 will have a 60-day transition period with all EBB benefits intact, ensuring a smooth program transition to the ACP. Service provider participation is voluntary and existing EBB providers will not be required to submit a new application (USAC ACP election notice will be required).

Download the full memo for additional detail on ACP Transition Information and what providers can do now.

VPS Memo – ACP

Additional Information

For information on this issue or if you would like VPS guidance, please contact:

Tammie Herrlein at (605) 990-1861

Dereck DeVries at (605) 995-1762

Steve Gatto, JD at (830) 895-7226